Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Brett Amory



His pieces are very emotional-- The subjects seem lonely and secluded in their environments. It's a nice mixture of landscape vs.  figurative.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Kevin Francis Gray

This really is right up my alley with the starched fabric pieces I have done and any piece that I paint that has fabric covering figures.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

David Noonan Collages

Very interesting, it's like he does live collages. 


Lopez Garcia


very somber, and lonely paintings.

the composition of this one shows the loneliness of the girl. 

Janine Antoni

I know she's become very famous, but I feel like the pieces she's most known for aren't the ones that I find the most captivating. Although Gnaw is one of my favorites and it is very famous.

The above piece is what got me in to starching things and veils in general. The second is a video she made of her at her home in the Bahamas, yes she grew up in the Bahamas. She learned to tight rope and I just thought this was a beautiful image to place it so her weight would line it up with the horizon, so she walks on the ocean's horizon, stunning.

Sven Kroner

For the exhibition Hidden Path, Kroner has painted landscapes familiar to him since childhood, yet these do not refer to a specific moment or experience. Some landscapes are empty, some have signs of human life. As Merel von Tilburg (Université de Genève) has written, “the landscapes belong to our own age, an age in which nature is no longer automatically invested with romantic associations; humans have charted it and taken possession of it. Even if the landscape contains no human figures, the artist suggests the presence of human life with footprints or objects…. People inhabit the landscape or enjoy their natural surroundings: they walk or camp in it, or simply linger there”.

I always find it interesting when you can see the presence of humans without them being there in the painting. Andrew Wyeth, one of my favorite artists did that a lot. 

Anselm Kiefer


I want my senior thesis gallery to be similar to this:

I like the mix of mediums and 3-D and 2-D. A lot of artists do it like this and I find it interesting when they decide to portray things in different ways.